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For what this was, it was not bad at all! Didn't even feel like a prototype tbh. Love how the game throws you in with no tasks or guides on what to do first so your left stumbling around looking for the first puzzle/solution, really cool. Made a video on it.


 I gave it a watch, thank you for taking your time to play this and for making a video about it! And thanks for the feedback too! :D

I've played it last night and had a lot of fun. I love your creativity, the game stands out as something unique. You have a good eye for putting together visually interesting spaces and creating great color contrasts. Waiting for more of your games!

Couldn't have done it without your assets! Thanks for playing and leaving a comment :D

I wanna pet the little guy


Thank you for taking your time to play this!


i scawied my pants 😭😭😭😥😥😥


Buen juego lo disfrute mucho gracias por compartirlo

(2 edits)
¡Gracias por jugar! Agradezco el comentario y el vídeo. (Utilicé el traductor de Google, lo siento 😅

Nice this was really great game I like it very much and also looks  very good anyway well done keep it up!

Thank you! I appreciate the comment :D